HOLISTIC development of a child needs to be focused at, in schools. Not just the development of Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) but also of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and most importantly of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) by introducing Moral Science classes to teach to “TOLERATE and FORGIVE”, which is sorely lacking in this “Trickdern world”, which is no more a “Modern world”. Systems should encourage COOPERATION rather than cut throat competition! For example: “Ranjitsinh Disale, received $1m (£750,000) in prize money but said in his winners speech that he would share half of the prize money with the nine runners-up in the competition – the first time the Global Teacher Prize winner has done this.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/amp/55186364
P.S. ….SOMETIMES, suicide is a way to live. Suicide: When It Hurts Too Much To Live. Spectrum of circumstances can vary from perfectly healthy body (avoidable by mutual cooperation rather than competition) to terminally ill body; ire being the cause to intolerable pain of incurable cancer! Euthanasia for Final Exit is getting acceptance legally and ethically: https://finalexitnetwork.org/

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