Saturday, May 18, 2024


QUERY: “Could you give me tips and tricks how can I improve my vocabulary in the next 9 to 10 months.”

QUERY: “Could you give me tips and tricks how can I improve my vocabulary in the next 9 to 10 months.”

LEARNING vocabulary in textual or verbal CONTEXT is meaningful because the USAGE becomes clear and understood in the context itself. For Example, if wanting to build up vocabulary in Commerce, better to pick words from Commerce books/journals or Commerce websites etc!

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ANALOGY to Pearl Harbour tragedy is the New Delhi Covid tragedy

ANALOGY to Pearl Harbour tragedy is the New Delhi Covid tragedy

former occurred due to full dose of intravenous Thiopentone to traumatic hypovolemic patients, latter is occurring due to high flow of inhaled Oxygen to COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, exacerbated by FLU (ILI, Influenza Like Illness called Covid-19) patients!

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“How we remember things? Does our memory get stored in brain in form of electric signals? If not, then how? Can a device be made to read those signals?”

“How we remember things? Does our memory get stored in brain in form of electric signals? If not, then how? Can a device be made to read those signals?”

EEG and simultaneously verbal thought delivery by a person can be correlated to tag the bits of thoughts with the EEG pattern at that time using mathematical FOURIER analysis!

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